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Insurance agents counting losses from storm

June 23, 2000

POWELL – With many crops pounded to shreds, losses from a hailstorm are expected to climb into millions of dollars, a longtime insurance agent said.

The storm that struck the Powell Valley June 9 was the worst that Larry French had seen in his 50 years.

Clients of the Farm Bureau Insurance salesman reported barley fields that were a 100 percent loss and beet fields that were completely defoliated.

Beans are being replanted but could wind up a total loss if a killing frost arrives early, he said.

Western Sugar district manager Gordon Freide said that 7,620 acres of beets contracted to the company were damaged.

About 2,100 acres sustained heavy damage, which equates to 75 percent or more defoliation, he said.

Another 3,800 acres had medium damage, or between 25 and 50 percent defoliation.

Fields with heavy damage will likely lose about three tons per acre, and overall losses will likely amount to about one ton an acre over the 22,000 acres contracted, Friede said.