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Sec. Veneman testifies before agriculture appropriations subcommittees
Washington D.C. Weekly Updates
May 3, 2001

Notes from April 27, 2001-- In consecutive day testimonies before the Senate and House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittees, Agriculture Secretary Veneman defended her department's FY 2002 budget against critics who asserted that continued price weakness in a number of crops almost certainly means that Congress must provide farm aid similar to that provided last year.

USDA's FY 2002 budget request is $72.7 billion. This is a $3.3 billion cut from the FY 2001 enacted levels. If you factor out last year's emergency farm aid, the FY 2002 budget proposal marks an $883 million increase over FY 2001. Beyond this observation, Veneman's defense of the cut was essentially two-fold:

  • She conceded that "there is continued weakness in certain sectors of the farm economy." She asserted, however, that "if additional assistance is needed, we will work with the Congress to determine the nature and extent of that assistance." [translation: Don't bother us with the details now.] She also cited the contingency reserve in the president's budget, a reserve which we note will emerge somewhat smaller after the House-Senate conference on the budget resolution.
  • In program after program, Veneman detailed budget hikes, some of them substantial. Conveniently, she left out those programs where the budget makes cuts. We list those programs below, comparing FY 2000 and FY 2001 enacted numbers with the president's budget (numbers in thousands of dollars). Asterisks mark the programs that the budget cuts to below FY 2000 levels:
Program                                        FY 2000     FY 2001       Budget
----------------------------------------    ----------  ----------   ----------
Hazardous waste management                      15,700      15,700       15,665
*Ag. Res. Svc., Buildings and facilities        52,500      74,200       30,462
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
*   Research and education activities, CSR     481,881     506,193      407,319
*       Coop. forestry and other research       21,932      21,932       21,884
*       Hatch Act payments (7 U.S.C. 361a-     180,545     180,545      180,148
*       Pay'ts to land grant colleges           30,676      32,676       32,604
*       Spec. grants for agr. research (7U      63,238      85,669        2,775
*       Competitive research grants            119,300     106,000      105,767
*       Animal health and disease programs       5,109       5,109        5,098
        1994 research program (7 U.S.C. 30         500       1,000          998
*       Higher education challenge grants        4,350       4,350        4,340
*       Higher educ. multicultural scholar       1,000       1,000          998
        Educ. grants prgm for Hispanic-ser       2,850       3,500        3,492
        Alaska/Hawaii native-serving insti           0       3,000        2,993
        Secondary agriculture education pr         500         800          798
*       Aquaculture grants                       4,000       4,000        3,991
        Sustainable agriculture research a       8,000       9,250        9,230
        Capacity-building grants                 9,200       9,500        9,479
*       Pay'ts under PL103-382, Sec. 534(a       1,552       1,552        1,549
*       Necessary exp. of Research/Educ. A      14,825      18,149        4,511
*   Extension Activities                       424,174     433,429      413,404
    Integrated Activities                       39,541      41,941       41,849
*       Water quality program                   13,000      13,000       12,971
*       Food Safety program                     15,000      15,000       14,967
*       Nat'l agr. pesticide impact assess       4,541       4,541        4,531
        FQPA risk mitigation program             4,000       4,900        4,889
        For crops affected by FQPA impleme       1,000       1,500        1,497
        Methyl bromide transition program        2,000       2,500        2,495
        Organic transition program                   0         500          499
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service:
*   Pest/disease control                         4,105       4,105        4,096
Farm Service Agency
*   State mediation grants                       3,000       3,000        2,993
Rural Development
*   Rural Community Advancement program        693,637     762,542      692,125
    Farm labor program account                              30,000       28,431
    Mutual and self-help housing grants         28,000      34,000       33,925
*   Rural housing insurance fund (loan aut   4,589,373   4,800,000    4,202,618
*       Unsubsidized guaranteed              3,200,000   3,700,000    3,137,968
    Rural cooperative development grants         6,000       6,500        6,486
*   Rural Development Loan Fund, Loan subs      16,615      19,476       16,494
    Rural Economic Development Loans
*       (Loan authorization)                    15,000      15,000       14,966
*       Direct subsidy                           3,783       3,911        3,616
    Rural Elec and Telecomm Loans Pgm Acc't        Loan authorizations:
*             Direct, 5%                       121,500     121,500      121,107
*             Direct, Municipal rate           295,000     295,000      294,358
    Distance learning and telemedicine Grants   20,000      27,000       26,941
Food and Nutrition Service (formerly FCS):
    Commodity assistance program               133,300     140,300      139,991
        Total, Food donations programs         141,081     151,081      150,749

As I have said in previous NOTES, agriculture is one of the weak points in the budget, and the Congress will be forced at some point this year to enact a substantial amount for emergency farm aid.

The Secretary's testimony is posted on both the USDA and the Senate Appropriations Committee web sites. The former, however, is truncated. For the most complete version, go to