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Workshops Scheduled

By Lois Kerr,
November 20, 2001
Montana State University Extension will offer two Ag workshops in early December. Organizers have scheduled a morning crop risk management workshop for Friday, Dec. 7, and a two-day basic farm planning and financial workshop for Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec.11 and 12.

The half-day crop risk management workshop, scheduled for Dec. 7, will run from 9 a.m. to noon at the library meeting room in Sidney. The three-hour workshop will explain approaches to managing risk, managing production and the price and business risks associated with individual crops. People need to know what crops are insurable and at what level, what it costs, and how much the government will subsidize it, explains Red Lovec, Richland County extension agent.

Lovec points out that crop insurance remains an integral part of crop risk management. The federal crop insurance program in North Dakota and Montana has always been a good deal, Lovec remarks. For every dollar paid, producers have received three or four dollars in return. Crop insurance is an important part of risk management.

Producers continue to experiment with new crops, which may or may not be included under the crop insurance program. There are new crops all the time, says Lovec. Many producers will not grow a new crop unless it is covered by crop insurance.

He adds, People need to know whats available and how crop insurance fits in. Its a tool, and producers need to know how the tool works so they can use it to their advantage.

MSU extension will also offer a two-day basic farm planning and financial workshop, scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 11 and 12. This workshop will provide participants with information on family and ranch/farm goals, budgeting to assess profitability of each major crop, total farm budgeting, livestock planning, cash flow budgeting and partial budgeting. Participants will work on issues pertaining to their own farms and ranches.

Lovec explains that the two-day workshop springs from the WIRE, or Western Integrated Ranch/Farm Education Program. This financial management workshop is a spin-off from the WIRE program, Lovec remarks. It used to be a five-day course, held one day a week for five weeks.

He continues, This workshop looks at total farm resources; human, financial and land resources, and how producers use these resources in their operations.

The two-day workshop will delve deeply into financial planning. This is quite an in-depth workshop, Lovec comments. It makes people take a look at what they are doing, and makes them take a look at their total resources. Participants also look at goals and objectives in an effort to make better, more informed decisions.

The two-day workshop will run from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the library meeting room.

For more information on either workshop, contact Red Lovec at the Richland County extension office, 406-433-1206.