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Workshops come to Sidney

By Sidney Herald, Editorial
December 4, 2001
Farm planning, financial workshop set for Dec. 11-12 in library basement

When harvesting is done and calves and lambs are ready for market, it's time to improve your farm and ranch management skills. The Montana State University Extension Service has scheduled a series of basic farm planning and financial workshops this fall in Great Falls, Glasgow, Sidney and Crow Agency.

The workshop in Sidney is Dec. 11-12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the library meeting room.

During the workshops, MSU economists will provide 10 to 12 hours of instruction and practice in applying farm planning and financial monitoring concepts and techniques.

Participants will be able to work on issues pertinent to their own farms and ranches. Early in the workshop participants will be asked to identify short and long term family and farm/ranch goals. This will provide participants with a starting point for developing a goal-directed farm and ranch management plan.

Major topics will include: identification of family and farm/ranch goals as a basis for management; enterprise budgeting to assess expected profitability of each major crop and livestock activity on the farm/ranch; whole-farm budgeting to assure there is consistency between the land use plan, livestock plan and livestock feed plan on integrated operations; cash flow budgeting to identify income, expenses and determine borrowing needs; and partial budgeting procedures useful in assessing the impacts of a proposed change in a particular activity on the overall profitability of the farm or ranch.

Persons interested in attending these workshops should contact the local coordinating MSU Extension county agent at the location they plan to attend. The charge for materials is $100 per farm/ranch operation. All family members participating in the management of the farm or ranch are encouraged to attend and are covered by the $100 fee. Pre-registration and pre-payment are required with the coordinating county agent one week before the start of the workshop.

Checks should be made payable to the MSU Extension Service. Contact Red Lovec at (406) 433-1206, 123 West Main Street, Sidney, MT 59270-4129.