Resources - Calculators


Sprayer Calibration Calculator - Method 2


Calibrating a sprayer is easily done in a few minutes, once the sprayer is thoroughly checked:
  • Be sure there is no residue remaining from the last time the sprayer was used.
  • Check all nozzles and screens to be sure they are all the same size and type.
  • Fill the tank with water, start the pump and check for leaks.
  • Be sure all nozzles are emitting water and the pattern is correct.

Adjust the width of the band by controlling the distance of the nozzle from the target weed. The bandwidth should be measured at the highest point of the weed, not the ground, when spraying for very small weeds. A 1 x 4 works well to set the bandwidth.

Once the sprayer is working, it may be calibrated as follows:

  1. Determine the distance to drive in the field by selecting the correct row width from the drop down box below. Measure that distance and flag it.

    Row Width:

    Distance to drive (feet)

    Note: For broadcast spraying, measure the distance between nozzles and use this as the row width to determine distance to drive.

  2. Determine the time, in seconds, it takes to drive the required distance. This should be done in the field with the sprayer operating. Drive at the speed desired. Two runs are suggested.

  3. Next, catch and measure the output from the nozzle(s) for the time determined in step 2.  If the sprayer has two nozzles per row, catch from both nozzles and insure that they both have the same discharge rate.  Ounces caught will equal gallons per acre (GPA).

Note: Be sure to read and follow all labels on all pesticides used.

See also: Sprayer Calibration - Method 1